Thursday, September 29, 2011

Effects Of Massive Proportions the Earth and Other Random Stuff

I don’t really have anything to type about which is my fault i guess. I waited to the end of the week so i guess it was fair. I don’t like doing it all at once and it doesn’t help to not have my laptop in class during blogging time. It’s kind of a snowball effect thing, the more the snowball the more the effect. Ok sense i don’t have a single thing to blog about i will explain the snowball effect and maybe something else so...
The snowball effect basically is when the earth, a long time ago, had this horrible ice age and it was enclosed in ice sheets and all the light hitting the planet hit the ice. But if you haven't noticed white reflects more the black. So the white ice was reflecting most of the light back into space and thus doesn’t warm the planet as much and creates more ice, and more and more. The only thing that would stop the chain reaction would be a large heat making cosmic object slamming into it or a volcano or some other massive hot thing to put the world back in shape.
On the topic of effects, the butterfly effect would be a massive priority if we will ever travel faster than the speed of light or make a time machine. It’s basically if you go back in time and walk around you might want to watch your step, if you misplace your foot you might step on an animal that is Essential to the evolution of our species. 
There is another mass effect called the grandfather paradox that is when you go back in time and kill your grandfather. If you do then how were you born? Ha-ha. I only need seven more words . 

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