Saturday, December 10, 2011

Captal H


My first day on the job, how fun.
You know, it’s odd I got this job in the first place. I thought I would be totally screwed trying to get it over that other guy, with the suit and tie. He kind of deserved what he got and all. But I will elaborate on that later.
Names Bender. No relation to Bender on Futurama. Besides I’m not a robot.
First I need to tell you and any other people reading this that you’re in trouble. The company, Capital H, is destroying everyone’s free will, and I’m the only one that knows, besides my buddy Jake.
He’s the one that told me about the project. I wasn’t exactly the most fit for the job I was given. I was one out of the 17 people working on the project. Honestly I don’t really know what the project is. It’s a shady subject that none of us really want to bring up.
But let me get back to the day I got the job first before I overwhelm you’re brain.
I walked in to the room and sat on the luxurious chair. There was a sharp looking man beside me in an identical chair and the administrator siting at a marble desk.
He checked his computer and said “Go on in consoler, Robert is waiting for you”
He was a counselor! I winced, that’s when I first thought I was screwed. I moved around nervously in my chair a little, and then I saw the camera. The only reason I noticed it was that it moved slightly in my direction. I looked away and stayed still, thinking I could just run out of there right now.
But just as I was thinking that, the consoler walked out of the room and went right past me without a word. He went straight out to the elevator and left.
It was my turn. “Time for you, good luck in there” said the administrator. I got up and stiffly walked into the office.
Frankly I didn’t see what I expected. There was a massive desk at which there was a large man sitting at. He had a bunch of freckles. My first thought was to laugh but I was trying to get a job, not get fired before I’m hired so I sat down and listened to what he had to say.
“You want a job here you need these skills…
Blablabla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla”
He kept on talking about skills and asked about my health, I answered it was good and I was capable of all these things. Yes I was nervous but I didn’t let it show. I needed the job pretty badly. I had to count pennies to afford this suit. It was a pretty extreme gamble but I think it will be worth it in the end.
At the end he dramatically said “you’re hired!” I actually jumped. It would have been funny if you were watching it but it wasn’t very funny for me. I thought i was going to be fired right there.
I watched his expression and tried to act calm
He laughed a jolly laugh and told me to go check out the work place that was going to be assigned to me. I thanked him and left.
I walked out pretty proud of myself and asked the admin where the work area was and he said congrats and told me the way.
“What the, who said that?”
 There was a fly on my shoulder and I swear it was waving at me.

Chapter 2
The voice

Now this is where it gets weird. I was in a bathroom talking to this voice in my head coming from the fly on my shoulder. And what it was telling me didn’t make any sense. Apparently the fly “thinks” that the world is under attack by some sort of alien, slug or something. A yeerk? A yerek? I forgot what it was. It’s been a while.
I obviously didn’t believe it. Hell, I thought I was going crazy. So instead of going to the workplace I went home, the fly still on my shoulder. I had to fight the urge to swat it. I was curious what it was saying though so I didn’t smack it, but I was wiry.
Once I got to my house I sat on my crummy sofa and listened to the fly. It was saying the yeerks were a parasite species. Capable of taking complete control of a human or several other species.
 Then just out of the blue it flew off me and landed on the ground in the middle of the room and began to change.
Its antenna slurped up into its head, but at the same time it was growing and growing from ¼ an inch to an inch then 2, 3, 5, 7. The back legs reversed direction and kept on growing. A foot. 1 ½ feet, the exoskeleton started melting into normal pink skin but the legs were still incredibly long. 2 feet 3 ½ . it was insane. I was up a wall already. I am insane, that was the only way to describe it in the beginning, it was crazy but after about 2 minutes it was a normal looking person. With an odd assortment of skintight clothing. A way to small shirt, a pair of bike shorts, and no shoes. And he was a kid. 14 or 15 years old. I was terrified, this freaking fly just turned into a kid!! 
The kid then asked “will you join us?” and I yelled  “WHO ARE YOU!! WHAT ARE YOU!!”
“I, one of 5 people. Of my species, I am a
 shape shifter”.

Chapter 3

I can’t believe what I was seeing. But it was truth enough. Him, or it I wasn’t exactly sure what he is, said “the worlds under attack and you just met the culprit”
It became clear to me that this guy knew something about Capital H that I didn’t. It was odd but I believed him.
He said in a calm voice, “there helping the Yeerks and we need someone on the inside.”
“You know what you’re asking me to do right?” I said in a surprised tone.
“I want you to go in there and work for them, it won’t be easy, but all you have to do is, don’t be promoted. It’s that simple, they infest the higher ranking workers. Just watch them and report back here if you find something.”
“What should I be looking for?” I asked.
“Anything bad” he answered.
I started out the door and he said just as I was leaving “The names Jake by the way.” And I just kept on walking.

Chapter 4

I was at work, first day. The new guy. I went to the workplace to check it out.
There were lines and lines of people at workstations making some type of vest, and a supervisor standing in the corner keeping a watchful eye on all of the workers. Once he saw me he waved me over with a evil grin on his face and pointed to an empty workstation roughly in the middle of the massive room. Now that I was higher and could see back there, there didn’t seem to be an end to the rows and rows of workstations. That made me reconsider where my workstation was.
I headed down there and started to work…

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