Thursday, December 1, 2011

Suppression of freedom and how rules do just that

What if somebody just ran into a room screaming, “FIRE, RUN!!!” All the people would be screaming and trampling each other trying to get out of the room, so somebody dies and it’s the one person’s fault. We are walking a fine line between freedom and a government controlled world. I think it’s a bad idea to go and scream like there is a serious something that is dangerous just for fun. Some people can have heart attack. What I mean is there are laws and rules that need to be followed in order to keep us civil and sane. If we go crazy then people will die and the world would suck, there would be no order. There has to be some suppression of freedom in order to have a ordered society.
                The communists in Russia would rob you blind if they could, with their form of government, they would basically own you. They would own you, your family, your home, your everything.  They could say “hey go over here and fight a war with one gun to every four soldiers.” Not a very nice government. Although the very fabric of our government is falling apart at the seams. We owe so much and are spending so much right now that I believe we aren’t going to get out of this depression. Not by peaceful means, we are going to have to invade another country or something. I really do hope not but it is in all likelihood that we will have to. This country is a nice, generous country, I would hate to see it go to war. Especially against a large world power, like Russia or Britain. Given, I don’t know why we would invade Britain, they are our allies. But I would understand if that were the case.
                Freedom is the main thing about this country, I am practicing freedom of speech right now, saying that communistic government sucks and the entire world should be diplomatic like us. So I’m happy to have a government that lets me say it sucks, right? That’s why I am writing this right now, not only to send my thoughts out there, but also to inspire other people to do the same thing as me. Freedom is a sort of degree and can only go so far if your too free you can do whatever you want, you could just go next door and rape you neighbor, kill him/her and you wouldn’t be punished. There is a degree of freedom that is the highest you can go. If the country goes any higher than that there will be chaos and insanity, every man for himself.  That wouldn’t be the best country in the world, everybody killing everybody else for what they have and want. I would rather live in Europe in that case.
                “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln said that. It is crucial that we follow the thin line of too much freedom and too little, it will be our fault if we lose our freedoms or have far too much. America will not stirred or moved by the other nations on this earth.

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