Monday, January 23, 2012

I got this new application called, ha blogger

So it kind of sucks because of this super tiny keyboard on my iPhone. It's because I had my Internet taken away after last semester so I am typing with a tiny keyboard and I am almost lovin the spell check it actually changed dimples (and I might have spelled it wrong but) to nipples. So that messed up about a week of my life! Oh well what's done is done. So I have another post on my computer but I don't have Internet on it so it seems pretty stupid to take away something that helps so much. What matters the most is, look at the amount of work we do on the Internet, so if that is taken away from us then there is a problem. We do more work then play with them and if there gone then we are impacted in large ways. In English we are doing blogs in the Internet, in science we use the Internet to research rube goldburg devices, in cad we use the studio computers so it usually didn't matter but we need to see the training videos in order to successfully use autodesk, then I go to career pathways and use it to go on my PowerSchool and check my grades. Then off to lunch, after that I go to engineering and use it to research wether the plastic is ok to use in child's toys that we are designing, then I go to geography and use it to research my country or anything we might be doing at the time. After that I go to math which I sometimes need a text book for and I have an online one so I don't need to carry it home every day I have math homework. Thats about it for today, I'm not sure how many words I typed but it sure does seem like 300 or more so I'm ok.
It's not exactly fair... Well it kind of is but not really it is smarter to just let us have the computer and all the permissions than take them away so it's kind of stupid.

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