Thursday, January 5, 2012

writer's block, dots, and other cheesy stuff.

You know that one thing that writers hit when they kind of lose their train of thought, well I get that all the time. It sucks because it happens to me all the time. I can't really write the blogs very well, because of it… that’s why I have such a low grade in English. I can’t really explain writers block but I would imagine that you would know a little about that (speaking to Mrs. Sewards of course or any other writer that definitely won’t be reading this page or the rest of my blog for that matter, it is sort of random).  Whatever, I’m always plagued be this and I still need 182 words to go, so I’m just wasting time on my blog. BLARG…   ….    ….. well I don’t think that three dots in a row is a word but ... ok three is a word but any after that doesn’t make it a word…………………………… see only one word now I would think that if I put a space in the middle of six dots it would be two words … … yep, two words. Now did you know that if you hold ctrl and hit the arrow keys then it will move between words? And in YouTube you can, while it is buffering hit the up arrow and it will start a snake game. The one game that if you eat a dot the snake will grow a little longer and will be harder to avoid hitting itself (if you do then you lose and will need to start over again). The game is harder if you’re watching a video at the same time. 19 more words. You know if you’re counting down while you’re writing then that’s sad. Well that’s it so … bye.         Dot.

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