Sunday, April 15, 2012

capital H blog---------->>

Keith said “That sucks” and we went back in to finish what we went there to do, I was still morphless and I thought it would be kind of cool to change like the others did, but I was still having doubts about this whole thing. So we went back in to the endless hallways where Jake was talking to Keith about which superhero could win in a battle against each other. So we came up to a habitat for a lion. Not a small one either it was the kind that has the mane, a male. Well anyway I thought it was asleep on drugs or something so we stepped inside. It was warmer in there then the hallway, kind of tropical. It was humid as hell, hot as a freakin hell. Well the fact is that this was a controlled climate, just for the lion. So my friends and I stepped as quietly as we could up to the sick looking creature and Rachael said “you have to touch it to acquire it Bender” and I replied “no duh. I got this.” And I reached out to touch it but stopped 3 inches away. It inhaled then exhaled, inhaled, and exhaled. Then I touched it on its flank, it didn’t move so I began to acquire the animal. Its breaths had longer pauses between them. Inhale… exhale… … inhale… exhale. So I began to feel the lions DNA surge through my veins. It was weird, very weird. I backed away from the lion and tripped over a root. It woke up! With a nice amount of surprise the other shape shifters turned and ran. Jake and Keith grabbed both my arms and dragged me to the door, but by then I was walking by myself. So we ran and ran and ran until we got to the front gates, so we waited for a couple of minutes to catch our breath so we didn’t look suspicious to the cashiers. They then decided I needed a travel morph, so we walked over to the bird part of the zoo. Kathy showed the bird keeper her mom-works-here badge, and he let us in. we walked through a sort of airlock/birdlock gate so they couldn’t get out and we were surrounded by birds of all different kinds. Most of them were small prey birds, but there was an enclosed part of a habitat and there was a Red Tailed Hawk there. It was a bird of prey, it eats mice to live. So it was the perfect bird there for me to “acquire.” But Kathy didn’t have the clearance to touch the bird so we decided to go to Kathy’s house to acquire a red tailed hawk that was sick there. You see Kathy’s barn doubles as a wildlife rehabilitation clinic, to help sick or injured animals get better. It took a long time to get there, she lives way off in the country and the bus only goes so far. So the kids and I walked a mile or two but when we got there Kathy’s parent’s truck was sitting on their driveway. So Kathy, Jake, and I snuck into the barn and went to the sick hawk’s cage then Kathy whispered “you have to hurry my parents are inside. The house.” I acquired the hawk’s DNA and then we started towards the door when the door opened and in stepped Kathy’s dad. I hid behind a nearby bale of hay but Kathy didn’t react fast enough. Kathy’s dad then started telling her off about being in the barn without his permission. I kept on hiding until her father took her inside. I went to the other shifters and said, “You know, this family of hers is pretty strict, it seems that we got the morph though, where is Jake?” “I don’t know” Keith said. Right at that moment,  Jake stepped out of Kathy’s house with her and all of us went to the forest near Kathy’s barn/house and Keith and Jake thought that I should try the morph out and sense I had never done it before, I didn’t know what to do. Kathy said “all you have to do is think of the thing you’re morphing and you will become it.” So I imagined the bird that I touched earlier today and I started to change.
First thing is that morphing is never predictable, things don’t change all at once everywhere things just start to ooze away or build up. So I was standing in some fallen leaves and pine needles and all of a sudden started getting larger and larger. The changers around me started at eye level, 10 seconds later I was waist high and suddenly I was only the size of a small toddler. At that point the rest of me started changing. It started with a feather tattoo drawing being etched on to my skin, the tattoo became 3 dimensional feathers. My tailbone pushed out a little and grew tail feathers, many of my organs seemed to just vanish but I did feel a new one appear, the gizzard. My mouth seemed to push out and become hard like it was made of clay or something, like an invisible hand was pulling my face out and out. Then it hardened and became stiff in the shape of a wicked knife. My feet changed next, my toes melted and fused together, slightly elongated. Then they split into three different toes each with talons capable of snatching a poor rodent off the ground and carry the squirming thing back to its perch. Then suddenly I could see really, really well. I looked over at a tree trunk and saw individual ants crawling up it. I looked at a tree 20 feet away and saw a caterpillar eating a leaf. There was one weird thing about this (other than the entire thing) I felt a mind with m--- 

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