Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oblivion cont.

Oblivion is a good game for everybody, at least anyone wanting a fight without fighting. u will have to fight at one point or another. so its not the pacifists game, I mean in the very beginning there are rats and goblins u have to kill in order to survive. but once u get to the free roam area u can do what ever u want. Its interesting really the massive diversity of this game. no wonder the credits didn't stop scrolling for like an hour or so, no really it took forever so after 30 mins. I just saved and reset the game and saved a half a hour I swear. one cool thing is it lets u continue playing the game. allowing u to play all the mini quests and everything.  also its kind of off topic but heres a couple little clips I saw online.
these are links I got  from the schools website but are placed here for your convenience. they are pretty funny, I watched them myself and I think they were hilarious. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you are playing with links, videos, and images. Make your blog your own!
