Saturday, August 27, 2011


Oblivion is a role playing game where u can be any number of things. if u want to u can be a thief, u can be a assassin, u can be a mage, a fighter, or just the hero. thats the main quest. if u want to u can play as the nice guy and help small people like beggars or solve mysteries in small towns or u can be a trader and repair stuff u buy and sell it back but it takes money and skill so it takes time to do. so u better dedicate your entire game to it. u can be an adventurer and raid caves and stuff. heres a link to a webpage about it and a link to the map of the world of Oblivion.
yeah so thats cool. Omg spellcheck GET OF MY BACK! lol before it was good now its just annoying, wow right. its funny how something can do that. its like a dog being pet, if u pet it to much it wont care anymore.

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