Saturday, September 17, 2011

Animorphs Andalites gift

so i can finally spell it right now that i have the book out in front of me so im going to read 5 or so pages and write some more.
ok so Marco had turned into a mouse and sneaked into Darlene's pool party to hear what she thought about him. he also dragged Ax into it by blackmailing him by offering flee powder to him. so he wasn't getting anywhere so he thought spoke his name to Darlene, and she said "what, what about Marco" and one of her friends said "nothing about Marco." and Darlene said "good because i don't want his name even mentioned at my party. he's such a jerk. i mean, after what he did? throwing baby ruth bars in my pool? panicking everybody?" so Marco decided to have some fun. He ran straight for Darlene's foot and scared her halve to death. she ran inside and so did Marco and Ax. but they went downstairs to the basement and demorphed. ax remorphed just in time to see the roof get ripped off by a gigantic beast with spinning blades and mouths chewing up the wood and concrete alike. to get at the morphers. but when the monster destroyed the roof it hesitated and turned away and disapated.
in another part of the same story Rachel had morphed a bald eagle and got mobbed by a bunch of crows and ran into a tree. she woke up with amnesia she didn't know who she was but the other things like trees and the ground were known.
and back to reading...
so Tobias another animorph was watching the entire drama in his natural hawk body about a mile up and saw the dust cloud monster disperse and flu against the wind to the woods with his great hawk eyes.
Back to Rachel, she was a bald eagle but she was only halve way morphed back. she was panicking for a while. but she recovered and morphed back to her normal, human form. just as she did that the dust beast hovered above her and solidified and flue after her chewing up trees entire trees in the process. she ran out onto a freeway that cuts through the forest and so did the monster, Rachel made it to the median but a Ben And Jerrys truck hit the monster. it got chewed to pieces and the ice cream flue. the beast then dispersed and Rachel walked out to the forest and kept on walking. she came upon a shack with lots and lots of cloths in piles and a crazy woman inside. Rachel bargained with this woman for some shoes sense you can't morph shoes. so she found a pair of size fives and started slipping them on when the crazy woman punched and pushed Rachel into a trap door in the floor.
Jake and Marco went to the wrecked freeway and into the forest where they saw Rachel go when they saw the news about the "freak tornado destroying Darlene's house and the freeway. they morphed wolves and Tobias watched from overhead in his hawk morph. then he yelled in thought speak "Its coming! its coming!" and Marco and Jake ran for dear life. the wolf can keep on running all day if it has too. but they thought that it would be a good idea to go into deeper and denser woods. Tobias, still overhead said that the way they were going led to a clearing and thats where they would surly die. the beast however once Jake and Marco saw that clearing the beast shuddered and turned to a area that smelled like fire and smoke.
Rachel was geting pissed at the crazy woman and started yelling at her but it didn't do any good. the crazy woman had set the shack on fire on the preference that Rachel was a Yeerk. Rachel didn't really want to die so she turned into a grizzly bear and busted through the rotting wall in the basement. she came out to discover  the burning shack collapse and the beast right above her. she turned to see a andalite standing there saying "Rachel. Rachel. is that you in morph?" and Rachel said silently "Rachel? is that my name?" Then the beast made of dust attacked.
Ax's real name is Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill. and thats why they call him Ax. the story here is that Ax is running to where he is supposed to meet Marco and Jake. he sees the beast flying above him and he assumes its after him so he leads it away from the meeting point and to the fire. he saw Rachel in morph and calls her name a couple of times and the beast attacked, it came down on Rachel and she stands erect and swings her massive fist and claws at the creature but it just chewed them off she now only has one paw and she tries again, losing her other paw Ax is thinking his morphs are useless against this monster so he starts morphing a hawk. but the beast stopped once he started and let go of Rachel and descended on Ax he demorphed and let it take him realizing that it was morphing that got its attention. and realizing who its master was...

1 comment:

  1. Great recap of the book. Let's focus on sharing your thoughts related to the book as well.
