Sunday, February 26, 2012

another segment, ch. 8

I slowly caught up to her until I was flying beside her. She looked over and smiled, I looked over. Unfortunately my head apparently acts as a rudder and sense I didn’t know that at the time I almost ran into the lady, now that’s not the bad part. She apparently thought I was attacking her because she kind of freaked out. She let go of the rope that turns the parachute to defend herself, and that’s when it happened. Her parachute made a wild twisting dive toward the ground and the building to her left. I was next to her when this was happening so I was tangled in the ropes of the parachute, making it worse. There was a moment of calm, then we hit the building. Darkness followed. I don’t know how long I was out but it felt like forever.
Finally I came too, I was in the back of a van and as I looked around I saw Kathy sitting across from me. I looked down at myself and realized I was still in morph. Kathy saw that I was awake and whispered two words into my ear. “morph out!” Then I realized what had just happened, i tried to move but my flimsy legs were broken, one wing was at an unnatural angle and my feathers were a mess. But through the pain and blurriness I saw Kathie’s face and I thought about my body, a human body and I began to change back.
Once I was human the pain subsided and I just sat there thinking about what I just did. Kathy was insisting that I try to leave the van before we got to her farm, so I decided it would be a good idea. I wondered what her parents would think if they saw me.

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