Wednesday, March 21, 2012


it might seem stupid to you right now but its been noticed. i have a ditching problem, the first 9 weeks i ditched like 2 weeks, the second i ditched, but i dont know how long. the third my dad really cracked down on ditching and i hardly did. today and yesterday i ditched.  im writing this as my dad is coming home to, no doubt scould me to death. it may not sound that bad but no matter the way (even if he does nothing, because i'm probably going to be expelled) I'm going to die. And not in a light way either, i heard that it may have to do with food. or better put, the lack of it. *sigh* dam...  put it that way i'm suddenly hungryer then i was two minutes ago. it also had to do with three days, or he could just move me to my sisters school. that would be punishment enough. lol

my dad got home and of course, i was here. i got up and opened the door to the garage. and there he was, he came inside. and scolded me to death, it was bad too. then i got spanked with a fly-swatter.

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