Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Capital H

Chapter 7

Morphs cont.

We were riding the thermals several hundred feet above the ground, when Jake decided it was time to do something kind of extreme. He just… dropped. I saw as he was falling toward the earth, the others started to do the same. They were falling like rocks through the sky, like sleek missiles targeting the forest below. I couldn’t say “no” so I trusted the hawk’s mind and started to plummet toward earth. My friends were ahead of me, with Tobias in front, he had the most experience flying. I was falling close to 60 miles an hour when Tobias started to pull out of the dive flared his tail feathers and lost his speed. The others were doing the same, but I sped passed them and continued to fall. The ground was speeding up at me as I started to pull out of the dive, I entered the trees and all my downward momentum was forward now. I was flying through the trees really, REALLY fast. I dodged a tree trunk, then another, and another. Right, left, right right, left, right, up!! I strained every muscle in my wings to pull up. I shot through the leaves and was in the open skies again.

My friends were freaking out saying that that was the most awesome thing that they have ever seen. But it was time to go and I said goodbye to my friends and flew home. Demorphed in the tiny backyard and went inside. It was getting dark so I went to sleep in anticipation of tomorrow’s work.

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