Tuesday, January 10, 2012


On this post there is a flood of, well flood, attacking the master chief. There is a pelican that supposedly made it from the crashed ship and is requesting clearance to land in alpha base. The AI on the base has found that the men on the pelican are what they claim to be and allowed clearance, but the person in the pelican turned out to be a traitor, there was a bad guy named Zuka Zamamee and a lot more heavily armed elites in the cargo compartment and they were landing.
Once they landed the covenant stormed out with their cloak generators on and killed the surrounding people, then the containment team held them back on the pad. One of the marines went to the fuel tank for the pelicans and shot the pad full of fuel. Earlier the people made covenant prisoners construct a curb around the landing pad to contain fuel spills, and it worked. A officer through a grenade under the pelican and it exploded burning the commandos alive. The marines finished them off, but there was another threat on its way. Six covenant drop ships were an there way, five minutes out.
Five elites made it to the underground and took control of the… control room and moved on to rescue Zamamee’s grunt friend Yayap from his captivation there.
 The book switched back to master chief and he was busy trying to get out of the underground place where the Flood are. He found out that the Flood actually infested covenant and humans alike in order to use them to infect more people. It was crazy. Anyway, he made it out and got to the marines outside, they were being attacked by the Flood but made it. The pelican flying support over them found a tower above the mist and directed them there. On their way they were attacked by hundreds of the Flood and the squad died, only master chief remained…

To Be Continued

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