Tuesday, May 8, 2012

independent reading blog

now in "The way of shadows" Kylar is on top of a bridge trying to fend off a invasion all by himself. one barge of soldiers already got past him but the second, he hit with a very large ram on a rope on the bridge. so the clay ram had a lot of oil inside of it, and after it hit the barge, the clay on one side was destroyed, so the oil spilled out. then exploded. a lot of the people on the barge were thrown of the barge and into the water. there heavy armor drownding them. the fire went a little lower as it transfered between using the oil and the wood, but in that time the soldiers thaught the shore was closer then it looked and abandoned ship. they sunk beneath the waves. thewater wasnt deap but it was deep enough. the first barge of enemys got to the shore and started storming the castle. Back at the castle's interirr roth was running up the servise stairwells and down corridors so he could get to the north tower. roth is a mad little crazy noble. he was rat's bodyguard at one point. the qween and her daughters were dieing at that time, but the only regret he had is that he couldnt watch. his plan was to let the godking conqure the land and he would name him king, the godking would then name himself high king of the land. then all his future would be laid out for him. its always a quest for power and money, its crazy.

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